Susan Wells - Nightmare (1979)


It Must An Ambush
Turn The Key In The Lock
Keep On Heading In My Direction
Victim Of Jealousy

This is what should have been released as disco/soul album in 1979 to prevent the disco backlash.

Here is the story:

British record producer Ian Levine had burst onto the scene in 1975, producing the hit single Reaching For The Best with The Exciters. Several more productions followed over the following years with the likes of Evelyn Thomas, Barbara Pennington, L. J. Johnson, Tyrone Ashley, Doris Jones, James Wells, Eastbound Expressway and Seventh Avenue, until 1979 saw him produce 4 disco albums, none of which would be released at the time, the cost of producing them leaving him indebted and unable to record for four long years until he bounced back with Miquel Brown's million-selling single So Many Men, So Little Time in 1983.

One of them was this album by Chicago-based Susan Wells, sister of James Wells, which had been supposed to be released on United Artists in 1979 before the deal fell through. Some songs saw the light of day in 1987 on Levine's Nightmare Gold label and in 1995 a compilation album with Wells' Hi-NRG singles from the 80s was released on Hot Productions. I have expanded the original 5 track album with three US mixes by Rick Gianatos.


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